Monday 13 June 2011

And we ARE Racing Again

Possibly the most thrilling f1 race of all time was run in Canada. The start was run behind the safety car after rain caused poor visibility. The race was suspended after 24 laps after a further downpour turned the track into an extension of the St Lawrence Seaway.

Hamilton's race was already over after gong for a gap that was not there after team-mate Button got poor traction out of the last turn. Team Boss Martin Whitmarsh said it was a racing incident, but stewards will decide later if Hamilton will be penalised.

The race restarted two hours later with all cars on full wets which by then was a drying track after more the changes and more safety cars the race ended in a dry Sprint finish with Button first after Vettel made a mistake under pressure spinning on the last lap।

A race full of incident and controversy,but it was right to stop the race although it should have restarted 15 minutes earlier and the safety car should have come in at least four laps earlier.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Ayrton Senna Hero and Legend

Who is the greatest driver of all time. For me there are Hereos and Legends, the greatest is harder to judge as each of the contenters lived and raced in different times, Ayrton Senna was both a hero and a legend, but was he the greatest? Join the debate.

Senna The movie is on General Release across the UK Now.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Bahrain race decision

Bahrain is in the news again. The FIA reported on 3 June that the race would be run at the end of the season, but Bernie Ecclestone has admitted that the race was unlikely to go ahead after the teams association FOTA expressed concern.

This is by no means the end of the story as the FIA have the final say and the contractual position of the teams is unclear. Ex FIA chief and lawyer Max Mosley is quoted in the UK media as suggesting the decision to race needs the support of the teams. Whether that means a majority,FOTA or all teams is unclear.
Update 10 June 2011
The organisers of the Bahrain have now issued a statement suggesting that the race is unlikely. This statement now puts the seal on the situation.
Once again deplomacy has saved the day and everyone has an outcome they can live with. In other words never say never,but it won't happen.